Sunday, July 24, 2016

Passion or Compassion

No doubt when we are taken by surprise, good or bad it can trigger emotions. We are never prepared for the unknown. This week was no exception; from a stealth dragonfly in my face to flowers blooming in unknown places and suddenly appearing where you know you didn't plant them. But those would be the least of my worries. And then there's the incident at work where one of your fellow flight attendant coworkers gets beat up severely by a passenger. How does this happen? While I have a hard time wrapping my own head around that one and wondering what are people's passion in life? What are they focusing on? How do we have compassion for everyone in this crazy world we live in? I try to focus on the good in life on my down time. Gardening and photography being my most enjoyable hobbies. My vegetable garden seems to have more than vegetables growing in it these days. Last fall I had an unknown plant that never bloomed so I never could tell what it was. So, in the spring it came up again, I thought at first it was a Clematis, but it didn't produce anything of the sort. I decided I would put it in a pot and keep a close eye on it to see what it would do this year. It just seemed like an ordinary vine growing not producing once again. Till the other day, I was watering and when I looked up, to my surprise, this vine was a Purple Passion! How did that happen?  I can only speculate. But oh how I remember the days and walks of photographing my first sight of a purple passion! The Purple Passion is a vine that can grow up to 25ft in length. It is a Wildflower. Yes, wild. The unusual wildflower was given the name Passion flower because the floral parts were once said to represent aspects of the Christian crucifixion story referred to as the Passion. The 10 petal parts represents the disciples of Jesus, excluding Peter & Judas; the five stamens the wounds Jesus received; the knob-like stigmas the nails, and the fringe the crown of thorns. I'm delighted with my surprise of the purple passion and will make permanent plans for planting it in a special place this fall.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Annual Tree Frog

I grow Morning Glories that seem to attract at least one 4 webbed visitor each year. This year was no different but to my surprise the location was a bit different. Do tree frogs like water?
I came home and stepped out of my truck hearing a very loud and proud tree frog. I thought, ok, wow, it's in my garden with the morning glories as usual. But the loud croaking seemed closer. As I walked towards the loud singing, I realized it had to be close to if not IN the water fountain! I guess if I were a tree frog on a hot summer night, I'd be sitting on the edge of a water fountain too! Something about relaxing and listening to the flow of water..... I moved my fountain last week to be centered in my perennial garden, where I not only spend all my time, but where I can also keep a close eye on it for maintaining and keeping it full due to the high heat this summer. So of course, I'm thinking this is a good photo op as I quickly drop my purse and get my cell phone in position before it disappears into the night. I was able to get a couple photo's before it discontinued it's song and hopped off the fountain some where's into the garden for safe hiding. Usually, my visiting tree frogs hang around for about a week.  I'm hopeful I'll have another opportunity during day light for more photo's.  Until then, this is my evening's serenader!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

1 wish, 7 wonders, 7 days

Seven wonders for seven days...The anniversary week of my Mother passing I was bringing in groceries and admiring my gardens. I looked around and asked' "Lord, where are all the butterflies this year?" It's summer and I haven't really photographed much of them. I placed the groceries on the kitchen table like I always do and when I came back outside, Lord and behold, there in my garden was a beautiful Swallowtail Butterfly! Wow! Nothing like a "Ask & yee shall receive!" I must have spent about an hour photographing the butterfly and being grateful for all I have. The next afternoon I was surprised again by a different butterfly, this time a dark black swallowtail, not so perfect, but perfect for me being two days in row!. My week continued all in the same manner...every day, every afternoon, for not one, not two, not three, but for seven days in a row a beautiful butterfly or moth came into my garden for me to enjoy and photograph. Some allow me to get close, or place their tiny legs on my fingers, others not so much, staying their distance but keeping me in sight.  Each one was different, some perfect, some not so perfect with torn wings. How some stay so balanced in flight with ripped wings is beyond me, much like us people, with scars but carrying on. But my week, was perfect. I miss my Mom. Together we would collect butterflies, read about them and even collect the caterpillars to watch the winged wonders hatch from their cocoons. We would watch the butterflies dance and fly away free leaving us with the magic and wonder of nature. Thank you Mom, I know you are here in spirit, Thank you Lord.
Since there are so many butterflies and moths that I photographed, I felt a video would be more appropriate. Enjoy!