Thursday, August 18, 2016

Now you see it, Now you don't; Photographing Hummingbirds & small, quick subjects

Photographing flowers or things that do not move is easily accomplished with the correct lighting, angle, and etc.  But it can be difficult sometimes to capture a great photo of a hummingbird or other small and quick subjects. By the time you get the right angle, lighting or distance, your bird or subject can be long gone from the view finder. You can try setting up your camera on a tripod, get dialed in, and focused, while waiting for your subject to return. Chances are, some subjects like a butterfly or hummingbird will return to the same spot or close to it. By the time it returns you are more ready than trying to begin all over again with your settings. Of course, you will need one more thing, a lot of patience as you could end up waiting a while for your subject's return. Keep at it and don't give up for that wonderful photo you've always wanted!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Connecting the Dots...

Our journey is like one big map, connecting the dots as we go. Like a ship at sea, following a compass and riding the waves. We are all connected in this Universe in some way or fashion. Every moment there is someone thinking of somebody. I am fortunate to have a job where I travel and be a photographer. Together the two can be quite adventurous. I also have a spiritual side to me that sometimes kicks in full tilt when I least expect it. When I get the opportunity to walk on the beach, it is a cleansing time for me, an opportunity to be renewed and have no worries in our world. I usually find treasures, sea shells and nature to photograph. There's always a story that comes rolling in with the tides... this day was much more. I could not have made up a better story, like I was a character in a romance movie, caught in the middle of someone's journey, or was I? I was walking at low tide, waves softly crashing in, and unraveling the sand, shells and treasures. I found half a sand dollar. It is rare to find a large piece never mind a whole sand dollar. My expectations were not big. It was white and had been bleached by the sea for some time. I was in a hurry to get back as it was getting late in the afternoon. But my eye caught yet another object. This time a sand dollar that had not been bleached. This one was still green about three quarters in size and the middle had been pecked out by some feeding bird. I thought wow, two large sand dollar pieces in one day. I'd been to this beach before and most shells are broken with the waves crashing on the beach. But every once in a while I find treasures to photograph. I started taking photographs in the warm waters rolling in. I decided I should slow down my walk and be more open minded just a little longer. A few seconds later some thing white caught my attention. It was only partially exposed through the sand. I quickly took a photo before the next wave came and washed it away. Each wave removed more and more sand till I could completely see what was before me. It was a full sand dollar!  But this one was different. Someone was sending a message. This was almost like finding a message in a bottle. There was a ton of people on the beach that late afternoon. Why me? I felt like I was in another time and place. Maybe some day the dots will connect and the person who sent the sand dollar into the sea will be revealed. Or who it was mean't for... maybe it should be published to find the originator?
Only the sea knows ~~~