How did The Nest become The Nest? I used to live on a second floor apartment with a deck. As a photographer with an extreme interest in photographing birds, I began putting out all sorts of bird feeders. I eventually attracted over 40 types of birds that would come and feed on my deck. One day the Carolina Wrens came and nested in my Christmas Cacti. The babies hatched and I had the privilege of being home to photograph them. I continued living in that apartment for two years until I bought my house. My house includes a 1+ acre yard with approx. 10 bird houses scattered on the property and buildings. When I first came to view the property, I knew it was for me! I continue to call my home The Nest with a "Welcome To The Nest" chalk board sign on the back entrance door. Yesterday a new batch of baby wrens came into the world and my yard. One wren some how came into my house, most likely as the back screen door doesn't always close all the way. I thought the dog was doing a number on his new toy, but the squeaking became louder and louder and more intense. It was then I realized there must be something going on inside house! Mean while, the other wren family members were out just outside the door trying to coax this one out. As I tried to carefully get the wren to fly back into the kitchen and out the back door, I was able to snap a couple photo's. How ironic that the wren sat upon my "Welcome To The Nest" sign and patiently waited before flying out freely and safely. If you're ever in the area, please feel free to stop by The Nest!
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