Saturday, September 24, 2016

...No Hate Here...

The greatest of all things is LOVE....why can't we all just get along? I can't even begin to write down my feelings of the divided world we now live in. God created us all equal, white, black, red, you were born a child of God. You were born with love, created in love and desire love to survive as an infant. We are born with innocence. You grow up to love your family, your friends. You go to school with all walks of life. How is it that when some become an adult that changes? Have some folks forgotten how to love? Lost that lovin' feeling? I passed a playground in town yesterday evening and notice a group of teenagers all hanging out together. Actually, this their Friday night out. I stopped to introduce myself and ask their permission if I could take their photo. At first they caught my eye as how many of you can all fit on the monkey bars at once. Then it occurred to me they were all walks of life, all colors, all just innocent friends. There's No Hate Here. I ask you now, is there someone you need to reach out to and love? How will you act towards the next stranger on the street? Will you lend out your hand and help another no matter their color or race? Will you shake someone's hand and introduce yourself? Share the love God has given you from the very beginning...Peace.

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