Saturday, June 13, 2020

Share the Love

We are all living in a non perfect world. Yet, the world continues to turn. It's challenging to stay focused on the positive while everyone has their own opinion or agenda.
Why can't everyone just get along? Why do we have to be so divided? I don't look at someone as if they are white, black, red or whatever race they may be. That someone is a son or daughter to somebody. Or they are a sister or brother, Mother, Father or possibly your own next to kin and don't even know it. It's a human being. Plain and simple. And whether a good human being or not, is not up to me to judge. I'll leave that to a higher power. I do know I try to treat others with love and respect. To me, everyone matters. Everyone should matter to each of us. Why is that so hard for some people to do? If we say black lives matter, the White people say what about us. If we say all lives matter, some think we're not focusing on the troubles & violence of the blacks that has been happening for years. I think if we look real hard, it's not just blacks that matter in today's world. What about babies being killed, teenage girls being sold or killed, blacks killing blacks in big cities, white cops now being killed everywhere, native Americans still being pushed off their land while their own women & children end up missing, bombings and shooters, the list goes on and on. We don't have to love everyone, but respect everyone. What a wonderful world it would be if we all did just that. It is true actions speak louder than words. But two wrongs don't make it right. Hate doesn't fix hate. Burning and stealing won't fix it. So set the bar, be an example for your children and grandchildren. Be an example to your friends and family. Non of us are perfect. We are all a working progress. But we all need to start somewhere. Give without expectations.
To love is to be loved. If you want love, show love. Give love & you'll receive love.
Share the Love ~

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