Saturday, December 26, 2020

Christmas Memories

 2020 has been a very different year for everyone with Covid. Its the little things that have brought or kept family & friends together. While technology is wonderful, it is really those physical feelings that make a difference. 

On Christmas day I called my Dad wishing him a great holiday. After catching up, I asked him if he still had any of Mom's Christmas decorations up in the attic. He tried his best convincing me Mom had sold most of them before she passed & that after all these years they had pretty much cleaned the attic out. I was disappointed but we remeninced about previous Christmas years decorating with Mom. We laughed about how we would complain about so many boxes we had to bring down from the attic every season. Dad said he sent a box & it should be arriving any day now. I told him I felt bad about not traveling this year but he insisted it was better to stay safe.

The next morning, the dog & I awoke up by such a clatter. What, Santa, a day late? It was not even 0700. I rose to see what was the matter & I could see the mail truck parked outside. Sure enough, the box Dad sent was inside my entry. Hurray! More presents as the Christmas spirit continues.

Everything was wrapped carefully and packed delicately. The first package I unwrapped was a familiar old vintage box. I recognized it right away. I could not hold back the tears and out loud awes. I was overcome by fond memories of Mom & I once again while flooded with tears. Those moments of decorating the tree with Mom had become surreal as I held the vintage ornaments in my hands. It was the most perfect gift. 

Another package was wrapped individually. It was hand written with love and a message of "found in the attic& since you live near disney" Oh my goodness, it was a vintage glass Mickey Mouse ornament. It may have even been the one I brought back from Disney on my senior class trip 40 years ago. 

Every gift Dad & my step Mom sent me were very thoughtful and I'm forever grateful. The memories being cherished with every sparkle and glistening. 

We may not be able to spend the holidays with everyone but we can enjoy the gifts and the thoughtfulness behind them. 

For now, I'll be grateful for the things I do have.

You cannot cancel Christmas as it lives in your heart not under the tree.

Merry Christmas & warm wishes for the New year!