Saturday, December 31, 2016

Take flight into the New Year

When December 31 comes around most people will be out celebrating, singing "Auld Lang Syne" bidding farewell to the old year by the stroke of midnight. The title of the tune translates to "times gone by" and is about remembering friends from the past and not letting them be forgotten. What does this song mean? Should old acquaintence be forgot? Or does it mean that if we happened to forget them, we should remember them? Some have lost loved ones, family & friends, and we carry them forever in our hearts.
It's also a time where we reflect on the year gone by, what did we accomplish? Did I treat everyone like I would want to be treated? Did I make resolutions or make my goals and wishes come true? And what will I do better for the coming year? Better myself or by help others?
We all know there will be changes in the coming year, nothing stays the same. We evolve forward, out with the old, in with the new motto. Maybe a new house, new job, new exercise program or new relationship. Or maybe just a new perspective on life in general without the material things.
For me I don't ever forget where I came from, the people I have come in contact with or that have crossed my path. Nothing happens by chance or by accident. I am grateful for all of you and the lessons life has taught me. But know for certain, next year will bring about a more improved version of you. For whatever reasons, as you surround yourself with friends old and new tonight, sing on!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Greatest Gifts are never seen...

Gifts come in all sizes and shapes. It can be extravagant or a lovely gesture. Some of the greatest gifts are never seen and felt by the heart. November is a wonderful time of year to be Thankful for the gifts in our lives. It may be your children and family, or your job, food and a roof over your head. Or maybe you're thankful for the gift of life itself. Sometimes gifts are left for loved ones and neighbors yet to be surprised and found just at the right moment. Have you ever just left a gift or treasure for someone to find to make them smile and feel special? Sometimes we pick four leaf clovers, flowers and sea shells to bring home to give to others. Or maybe you go shopping and find just the right item that reminds you of that special someone. What about the gift of love? Or just doing something nice for one another as a token or gift of appreciation. In these materialistic days, it can be hard for some people to appreciate a precious gift that cannot be valued in monetary terms. However, when you reflect on the sacrifice that God made, the redemption, salvation and hope that He gave us, it should be a source of inspiration and wonder. There is no way in which we, as humans could justly repay The Lord for his un fathomable love. Yet, we Can open our lives to Him so that through the love of  God and the grace of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will enable us to do His work and to spread His love amongst all we come into contact with. Give Thanks this Thanksgiving but also be loving and Giving to others.
May the grace of The Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  2 Corinthians 13:14

Saturday, September 24, 2016

...No Hate Here...

The greatest of all things is LOVE....why can't we all just get along? I can't even begin to write down my feelings of the divided world we now live in. God created us all equal, white, black, red, you were born a child of God. You were born with love, created in love and desire love to survive as an infant. We are born with innocence. You grow up to love your family, your friends. You go to school with all walks of life. How is it that when some become an adult that changes? Have some folks forgotten how to love? Lost that lovin' feeling? I passed a playground in town yesterday evening and notice a group of teenagers all hanging out together. Actually, this their Friday night out. I stopped to introduce myself and ask their permission if I could take their photo. At first they caught my eye as how many of you can all fit on the monkey bars at once. Then it occurred to me they were all walks of life, all colors, all just innocent friends. There's No Hate Here. I ask you now, is there someone you need to reach out to and love? How will you act towards the next stranger on the street? Will you lend out your hand and help another no matter their color or race? Will you shake someone's hand and introduce yourself? Share the love God has given you from the very beginning...Peace.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Now you see it, Now you don't; Photographing Hummingbirds & small, quick subjects

Photographing flowers or things that do not move is easily accomplished with the correct lighting, angle, and etc.  But it can be difficult sometimes to capture a great photo of a hummingbird or other small and quick subjects. By the time you get the right angle, lighting or distance, your bird or subject can be long gone from the view finder. You can try setting up your camera on a tripod, get dialed in, and focused, while waiting for your subject to return. Chances are, some subjects like a butterfly or hummingbird will return to the same spot or close to it. By the time it returns you are more ready than trying to begin all over again with your settings. Of course, you will need one more thing, a lot of patience as you could end up waiting a while for your subject's return. Keep at it and don't give up for that wonderful photo you've always wanted!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Connecting the Dots...

Our journey is like one big map, connecting the dots as we go. Like a ship at sea, following a compass and riding the waves. We are all connected in this Universe in some way or fashion. Every moment there is someone thinking of somebody. I am fortunate to have a job where I travel and be a photographer. Together the two can be quite adventurous. I also have a spiritual side to me that sometimes kicks in full tilt when I least expect it. When I get the opportunity to walk on the beach, it is a cleansing time for me, an opportunity to be renewed and have no worries in our world. I usually find treasures, sea shells and nature to photograph. There's always a story that comes rolling in with the tides... this day was much more. I could not have made up a better story, like I was a character in a romance movie, caught in the middle of someone's journey, or was I? I was walking at low tide, waves softly crashing in, and unraveling the sand, shells and treasures. I found half a sand dollar. It is rare to find a large piece never mind a whole sand dollar. My expectations were not big. It was white and had been bleached by the sea for some time. I was in a hurry to get back as it was getting late in the afternoon. But my eye caught yet another object. This time a sand dollar that had not been bleached. This one was still green about three quarters in size and the middle had been pecked out by some feeding bird. I thought wow, two large sand dollar pieces in one day. I'd been to this beach before and most shells are broken with the waves crashing on the beach. But every once in a while I find treasures to photograph. I started taking photographs in the warm waters rolling in. I decided I should slow down my walk and be more open minded just a little longer. A few seconds later some thing white caught my attention. It was only partially exposed through the sand. I quickly took a photo before the next wave came and washed it away. Each wave removed more and more sand till I could completely see what was before me. It was a full sand dollar!  But this one was different. Someone was sending a message. This was almost like finding a message in a bottle. There was a ton of people on the beach that late afternoon. Why me? I felt like I was in another time and place. Maybe some day the dots will connect and the person who sent the sand dollar into the sea will be revealed. Or who it was mean't for... maybe it should be published to find the originator?
Only the sea knows ~~~

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Passion or Compassion

No doubt when we are taken by surprise, good or bad it can trigger emotions. We are never prepared for the unknown. This week was no exception; from a stealth dragonfly in my face to flowers blooming in unknown places and suddenly appearing where you know you didn't plant them. But those would be the least of my worries. And then there's the incident at work where one of your fellow flight attendant coworkers gets beat up severely by a passenger. How does this happen? While I have a hard time wrapping my own head around that one and wondering what are people's passion in life? What are they focusing on? How do we have compassion for everyone in this crazy world we live in? I try to focus on the good in life on my down time. Gardening and photography being my most enjoyable hobbies. My vegetable garden seems to have more than vegetables growing in it these days. Last fall I had an unknown plant that never bloomed so I never could tell what it was. So, in the spring it came up again, I thought at first it was a Clematis, but it didn't produce anything of the sort. I decided I would put it in a pot and keep a close eye on it to see what it would do this year. It just seemed like an ordinary vine growing not producing once again. Till the other day, I was watering and when I looked up, to my surprise, this vine was a Purple Passion! How did that happen?  I can only speculate. But oh how I remember the days and walks of photographing my first sight of a purple passion! The Purple Passion is a vine that can grow up to 25ft in length. It is a Wildflower. Yes, wild. The unusual wildflower was given the name Passion flower because the floral parts were once said to represent aspects of the Christian crucifixion story referred to as the Passion. The 10 petal parts represents the disciples of Jesus, excluding Peter & Judas; the five stamens the wounds Jesus received; the knob-like stigmas the nails, and the fringe the crown of thorns. I'm delighted with my surprise of the purple passion and will make permanent plans for planting it in a special place this fall.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Annual Tree Frog

I grow Morning Glories that seem to attract at least one 4 webbed visitor each year. This year was no different but to my surprise the location was a bit different. Do tree frogs like water?
I came home and stepped out of my truck hearing a very loud and proud tree frog. I thought, ok, wow, it's in my garden with the morning glories as usual. But the loud croaking seemed closer. As I walked towards the loud singing, I realized it had to be close to if not IN the water fountain! I guess if I were a tree frog on a hot summer night, I'd be sitting on the edge of a water fountain too! Something about relaxing and listening to the flow of water..... I moved my fountain last week to be centered in my perennial garden, where I not only spend all my time, but where I can also keep a close eye on it for maintaining and keeping it full due to the high heat this summer. So of course, I'm thinking this is a good photo op as I quickly drop my purse and get my cell phone in position before it disappears into the night. I was able to get a couple photo's before it discontinued it's song and hopped off the fountain some where's into the garden for safe hiding. Usually, my visiting tree frogs hang around for about a week.  I'm hopeful I'll have another opportunity during day light for more photo's.  Until then, this is my evening's serenader!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

1 wish, 7 wonders, 7 days

Seven wonders for seven days...The anniversary week of my Mother passing I was bringing in groceries and admiring my gardens. I looked around and asked' "Lord, where are all the butterflies this year?" It's summer and I haven't really photographed much of them. I placed the groceries on the kitchen table like I always do and when I came back outside, Lord and behold, there in my garden was a beautiful Swallowtail Butterfly! Wow! Nothing like a "Ask & yee shall receive!" I must have spent about an hour photographing the butterfly and being grateful for all I have. The next afternoon I was surprised again by a different butterfly, this time a dark black swallowtail, not so perfect, but perfect for me being two days in row!. My week continued all in the same manner...every day, every afternoon, for not one, not two, not three, but for seven days in a row a beautiful butterfly or moth came into my garden for me to enjoy and photograph. Some allow me to get close, or place their tiny legs on my fingers, others not so much, staying their distance but keeping me in sight.  Each one was different, some perfect, some not so perfect with torn wings. How some stay so balanced in flight with ripped wings is beyond me, much like us people, with scars but carrying on. But my week, was perfect. I miss my Mom. Together we would collect butterflies, read about them and even collect the caterpillars to watch the winged wonders hatch from their cocoons. We would watch the butterflies dance and fly away free leaving us with the magic and wonder of nature. Thank you Mom, I know you are here in spirit, Thank you Lord.
Since there are so many butterflies and moths that I photographed, I felt a video would be more appropriate. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Let the light shine through

Lighting is very important in taking photographs. The best time of day to take photographs is early morning or late afternoon. That way the sun does not wash out your subject during the brightest part of the day. I prefer to photograph with natural lighting and getting up early to explore. It's amazing that something so simple can look so differently during a different hour of the day. So get up early, sip that first cup of coffee and go outside and let that little light shine!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Float like a Butterfly

More and more I find myself deeper and closer to nature. Some how, I have been blessed with an ability to not only find nature but at times it finds me. Some days I can get lost floating around in my own back yard following birds or butterflies. This day was no exception. While following a butterfly from clover to clover, it can become tiring. Standing up or sitting down. You just have to be patient and keep moving, turning the camera, turning your body, changing the angle for focusing, and still trying to get as close as possible. By the time you get all that into place in your view finder, it will probably flutter away to the next blossom! I was determined to get close to this one cabbage butterfly. Finally it headed to my blue hydrangea's and settled down for a long cool drink of nectar! I knew this would be an excellent opportunity to sit and photograph. Patience is a virtue they say! Keep shooting and never give up!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Wise Ole Owl Tale

Occasionally I hear dueling owls from my yard. It is interesting to listen to them in the evening after dark wishing I could go track them down for photographs. This evenings hoo hoo, hoo, hoohoohoo reminds me of an afternoon gardening when the sound of two Barred owls caught my attention. And yes, I did say afternoon, I looked at my watch immediately and it was just past 2pm! I was dressed in a tank top and short cut offs with dirt from head to toe. I thought, well, this is your chance. So I ran in the house, grabbed my camera and hurried across the street. My neighbor was outside and I asked permission to go through her back yard. She agreed and said owls are generally near her home. I had to make my way through the pricker bushes and across a small creek to get close enough where I could see one owl. I focused and anxiously clicked the shutter hoping the owl would remain close enough for me to get a shot. No sooner, did my camera send me a message, "Please insert memory card". Oh my gosh, I could not believe it! Well that wasn't very wise of me! The one time I actually get to photograph an owl in it's own habitat and I forgot to insert the memory card! I sadly watched the owl fly from one tree to another. I looked around to get my bearings and decided to go home and retrieve a memory card. I could only hope the owl would be in the same spot or close by when I returned. The owls had stopped communicating by this point and I never did see the second owl. So I quickly went back through the creek and pricker bushes to go home and start over on this adventure! Much to my surprise when I arrived in front of the pine tree where I last saw the owl, it was still there! Wow! I couldn't believe it, almost like it was waiting just for me. I must have taken about 20 photographs of the owl. As I approached closer I stopped in my tracks when a crow came and sat down beside the owl. The crow looked at the owl and cawed, almost to ask, "What do you think Wise Owl?" I kept right on taking photo's of the two in conversation. The crow flew on it's merry way and the owl turned to glare at me with a "You still here?" expression. I snapped one more shot knowing it could be my last before it took to the skies. I was so excited and happy, I didn't care much about my scratched up legs from prickers. My persistence and patience had paid off that day. However, word to the wise, don't ever leave your camera empty and without a memory card!

Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day 2016

Every year we recognize and pay tribute to our Fallen Heroes on Memorial Day. Most of us have had a loved one or family member that has served and gave. All gave some, and some gave all. We are grateful for our Freedom in our Country. You are free to have family gatherings and BBQ's in your back yards, pay tributes in parades and festivals. Our streets and back roads are decorated with Ole Glory waving high. Some of us visit cemeteries and put place flowers & flags on loved ones burial sites. Today I paid my respects to the Veteran's portion of the local Cemeteries and Memorial Gardens. I came across a young Killdeer Mother bird on guard. Her nest was directly between two Memorial stones. I was surprised she let me get so close. The sun was in my eyes and as I crawled closer, I realized she was protecting 4 eggs. Take a moment and give Thanks to our Fallen Heroes, the ones that paid the sacrifices, and protects our Country so you can enjoy your Freedom.
Freedom is not Free!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

In The Nest, Out of The Nest

How did The Nest become The Nest? I used to live on a second floor apartment with a deck. As a photographer with an extreme interest in photographing birds, I began putting out all sorts of bird feeders. I eventually attracted over 40 types of birds that would come and feed on my deck. One day the Carolina Wrens came and nested in my Christmas Cacti. The babies hatched and I had the privilege of being home to photograph them. I continued living in that apartment for two years until I bought my house. My house includes a 1+ acre yard with approx. 10 bird houses scattered on the property and buildings. When I first came to view the property, I knew it was for me! I continue to call my home The Nest with a "Welcome To The Nest" chalk board sign on the back entrance door. Yesterday a new batch of baby wrens came into the world and my yard. One wren some how came into my house, most likely as the back screen door doesn't always close all the way. I thought the dog was doing a number on his new toy, but the squeaking became louder and louder and more intense. It was then I realized there must be something going on inside house! Mean while, the other wren family members were out just outside the door trying to coax this one out. As I tried to carefully get the wren to fly back into the kitchen and out the back door, I was able to snap a couple photo's. How ironic that the wren sat upon my "Welcome To The Nest" sign and patiently waited before flying out freely and safely. If you're ever in the area, please feel free to stop by The Nest!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Press on & choosing a cheerful heart

Press on and choose joy. Easier said than done? Mind over matter? Time heals all? Forgive and forget? Give it to God? Every one has their own myth about "Pressing On" in their journey through life. Why can't everyone just wake up and begin each day like it's brand new? The choice is yours but where does that strength come from? What works for me "The Joy of the Lord is my Strength" may not work for you. Others may need to try a different path. Following our passions in life is a great way to keep ourselves mentally focused. My passion in life is Photography. I can get lost in wildlife and then I like to share with others what I find or see. Nothing but good can come from surrounding ourselves with nature, positive people and friends. People that give us joy and participate in our journey, whether good or bad. Being with people that listen, share, read or even pray for or with you is a blessing. Our family and friends can be the glue sometimes with extending that hand, open arms and loyalty. Compassion can come from others even if they don't understand, they stick by you.  God can use you, your pain and your story to teach others. None of us are perfect and we are all a working process. Some may feel the need for forgiveness, or maybe one is looking to receive an apology? These can all be difficult if there's no communication. Sometimes it can be a challenge for one to release anger caused by a difficult situation beyond their control. The phrase "keeping things bottled up" comes to mind because some may not want to release angry feelings that would be considered a mean characteristic. Other's live by "wouldn't hurt a flea" or "take their shirt off their back for anyone" may have a hard time knowing what to do with mixed emotions. Some people never had a chance to get something off their chest, good or bad before the other person left this earth or simply walked away. Grieving over someone is never easy, whether it's grieving over a death or a relationship that has ended. We can forgive but we don't forget. So what do we do with all that emotion?  It can be a long process and one thing is for sure, everyone's process is their own. Everyone is picking up the pieces from something or someone at one time or another in their life. Some say there is a two year rule after a breakup, some say there is a six year rule after divorce, some say just roll with it, let it go and you'll be ok soon. Some people in life have or have had to deal with addictions. Some are reminded and live by their rule of twelve steps. There is no over night fix and there really is no time frame, we are all unique. There are rollercoasters of emotions we ride on, we're human and we don't just shut ourselves on and off like a light bulb. One thing is for certain, We Press On. And we keep pressing on. If you're reading this, God is not finished with us yet. His hand is always there. He will bring everything to completion while we grow and continue to process. Over all, what really matters is a cheerful heart. I am grateful for my relationship with God, my friends and my family. I believe partnerships in Christ is a key to success. There is an unknown quote I used under my graduation picture in my senior yearbook several years back. It reads; "We must laugh now for fear may die before we laugh at all" Not that everything in life is funny, but that we keep that joy in our hearts. I will press on!